Choco L'art Studio Open Day 2023 (May 14)
HK Tourism Board Christmas Feature " A Season of gifts"
Fluid Art Clock Parts Assembly
Please click for the video:
Summer at Rosewood July and August 2020
Looking for the perfect summer family vacation? Check in at Rosewood Hong Kong for a staycation and get access to all fun and exciting activities offered at Camp Rosewood.
Choco L’art Studio will be hosting art jamming workshops on July 16, 23, 30 and August 6. Hope to see you at Rosewood!
Find out more about Rosewood Staycation:
Sassy Hong Kong Private Art Party Jan 2020
Click here for the Feature in Sassy Hong Kong
Neya Vlog April 2019
Surprise art jamming workshop for Alex from Toneya.
[熱小店360] July 2017
區區有樂 灣仔區 29 April 2017
Let's see how ViuTV 「區區有樂」tv programme introduce our Studio and try our new products!
Localiiz September 2016

Go Art Jamming
Are you a budding artist just dying to get creative and show your date your artistic side? If so, why not spend an art jam session getting to know them over a palette of paint at one of the city’s quirky art studios? Head to Choco L’ART Studio in Wan Chai, and choose a canvas of your preferred size, grab all the acrylic paints you’ll need, and enjoy complimentary soft drinks to keep your creative juices flowing. If you fancy something a little stronger (champagne darling?), then both venues allow you to bring along your own alcoholic drinks, and if you ask the staff nicely, they’ll even let you play your own music to inspire you both as you paint away (get that sexy playlist going). Be sure to call ahead and book your easels side by side. You never know, your date could be the next Picasso! Original article...
Playtimes December 2014 issue Raising tweens & teens

Festive furniture
Make everyone’s Christmas celebration even more special with homemade, personalised gifts crafted by your kids. At Choco L’ART, they’ll light up children’s imaginations with a DIY furniture programme. Kids will get creative, transforming a plain furniture item into a painted art piece. Choco L’ART’s skilled artists will facilitate the journey of creation, and parents are welcome to accompany their kids at this open-concept studio.
Apple Daily 蘋果日報 23 August 2014
Art Jamming(自助繪畫)興起數年,熱潮依舊,但要突圍便要搞搞新意思。位於灣仔的Choco L’ART Studio首創「Drink and Draw Party」,客人自備食品及飲品,輕鬆邊飲邊畫,吸引不少中環OL捧場,也試過變身另類單身派對。老闆娘Lilli更準備推出「Home Series」,將繪畫搬到茶几、椅子,以獨一無二的設計粉飾家居,頭炮由幼稚園生試玩,作品繽紛可愛。More...